If you suffer from any digestive condition then you don’t have to suffer in silence, instead, talk to a doctor about your signs and symptoms to get a better diagnosis. Digestive conditions are different and each one has its own set of signs and symptoms and treatment options. Here is a list of various digestive conditions that can affect your health, if you believe you have any of the following issues then it’s recommended to consult a doctor immediately.


The gallbladder is a tiny, pear-shaped sack that stores and releases bile that helps digestion. Overtime, hard deposits of calcium and other materials can form a stone in the gallbladder, this condition is known as gallstones.

In the Canada gallstones is one of the most common digestive condition. The reason behind the formation of gallstone is excessive cholesterol, too much waste in the bile and the inability of the gallbladder to get rid of the waste completely. Pain in the upper right abdomen is a symptom of gallstones.

Crohn’s Disease

This digestive disorder is a part of the different digestive conditions called the inflammatory bowel disease IBD. The Crohn’s disease usually damages the terminal ileum that connects the end of the small bowel to the part where colon begins. The reasons behind Crohn’s disease are not clear, a number of different factors cause it and narrowing it down to a few reasons is difficult. The most common symptoms are diarrhoea, rectal bleeding, weight loss and fever. The treatment depends on the severity of the illness and the symptoms.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

This digestive condition causes stomach pain and discomfort frequently. About 10% of the world population suffers from irritable bowel syndrome. IBS can cause diarrhoea while in other times the stool is hard and accompanied by constipation. Another common symptom of irritable bowel syndrome is bloating even if you haven’t eaten anything heavy. The causes behind irritable bowel syndrome are unknown but it is triggered by:

  1. Excessive use of dairy products
  2. Alcohol
  3. Caffeine
  4. Artificial sweeteners
  5. Food that can lead to gas like potatoes and lentils
  6. Stress

The treatment usually includes low dose antidepressants if IBS is caused by stress. Taking digestive medication can ease the symptoms if irritable bowel syndrome.


Haemorrhoids are caused by inflammation of the blood vessels located towards the end of the digestive tract. This digestive condition causes pain, itchiness and generally rectal bleeding. Haemorrhoids are painful and they need treatment. It leads to chronic constipation and diarrhoea. Causes of haemorrhoids are many.

Haemorrhoids are caused by taking a low fibre diet, and obesity.  Pregnant women can suffer from haemorrhoids because of the changes in the body. Treatment options include over the counter analgesic creams, medication and lifestyle changes like losing weight, eating high-fibre foods, and drinking plenty of water.

Anal Fissures

An anal fissure is another painful digestive condition that leads to oval shaped tears in the lining of the digestive tract. The symptoms are similar to haemorrhoids. It can cause pain and rectal bleeding. The treatment option includes medication, sitz baths and severe cases may require surgery. Symptoms of digestive disorders like anal fissures can be treated by changing your lifestyle.

Combatting Chronic Bloating: Effective Habits for 2024. From dietary adjustments to stress management techniques, empower yourself to alleviate discomfort and improve digestive health.