The modern female is a long way from the stay at home housewife, and with such an active lifestyle that often has to be crammed into motherly responsibilities, it is no surprise that health issues occur. Running at full speed for 16-18 hours per day puts the body under tremendous strain, and the right treatment can redress that balance and return your energy levels to where they need to be. Here are just a few of the women’s health issues that a Physio can effectively treat.

  1. Pelvic Muscle Weakness – Many women suffer from this condition, with pregnancy, childbirth and the menopause, all contributing factors. If you would like to consult an expert regarding pelvic muscle issues, and are living in Western Australia, there is an excellent women’s health Physio in Perth, and with home visits available, you will soon be back to full strength and ready to take on the world.
  1. Urinary Incontinence – This condition affects almost one third of all women at some time in their life, and this embarrassing condition can quickly be rectified by a women’s health Physio. Specific muscles are targeted, and with a graded exercise plan and some expert manipulation, the condition usually recedes after regular sessions.
  1. Post Birth Healing – This can be a difficult time for a new mother, and with low laser treatment, the healing process is accelerated. There are clinics that send a qualified health Physio to your home, and they are equipped to carry out low laser treatment at the patient’s home. The Physio would also be able to advise you on best practices to further help the healing process, and very soon, you’ll be back to your normal, healthy self.
  1. Prolapse – Common in women who have had children, the prolapse might be uterine, bowel or bladder, and with expert diagnosis and treatment, the condition can be quickly remedied. Often, a woman will simply put up with the inconvenience and pain from a prolapse, and are perhaps unaware of the effective treatments available today. A women’s health Physio is trained to identify and treat a wide range of female health issues, and with state of the art laser treatments, many women receive effective treatment.
  1. Uncomfortable Sex – This can be caused by a number of issues, such as overactive pelvic muscles, or post childbirth scars, and often, the condition can be cured with a few visits to a health Physio, which will enhance the quality of your life.

With the fast pace of modern living, many women simply don’t have the time to visit a Physio, yet fortunately, there are trained Physios who can come to your home, and with state of the art equipment and a lot of experience, many female issues can be resolved. If you would like to know more about the benefits of visiting a women’s health Physio, some web surfing will reveal even more conditions that a health Physio can treat.